Welcome to the

Real South and Real South/West became a reality thanks to these generous folks:



Altaire Productions

& Publications

Matt Boutte

Cathy Gleasman

Scott & Sandra Jones

Teddy Jones

Robert Lovato

Marie Slaight

Michael Caleb Tasker

...and a lady out west who asked to remain anonymous.



John Dufresne

Judith Dulaney

Martin Guillot

Edward Hagelstein

Diana Finlay Hendricks

David Norman

Lori Ray Tripp




Keep up with us here and at the Real South/West Magazine Facebook page or on Twitter--coming soon.


Subscription info coming soon!

The PayPal button below is just a virtual tip jar to help Real South/West Magazine pay freelancers and website elves.

Thank you for supporting authentic Southern/Western arts and culture!






For 2024, we will be publishing in May, July, September, and November. So if you want to submit something, we'll need it at least 6 weeks before that.


Right now we are especially looking for CD and book reviews, fiction, poetry, and stories or tips about more underground and/or 'diverse' Southern and Southwestern culture--especially relating to the arts, food, and lifestyle. So if you think of anything, please send it to: submissions@realsouthmagazine.com. Thank you kindly!





REAL SOUTH/WEST Magazine accepts fiction, poetry, articles, essays, book and CD reviews, recipes, photography, and artwork. The work must be original and not previously published elsewhere.


Articles and essays must of course feature authentic people, places or any of the many diverse cultural aspects of the American South or Southwest. Profiled persons must be from the South or Southwest, living in the South or Southwest or very strongly associated with Southern or Southwestern culture. We are especially interested in articles about Southern or Southwestern musicians, writers, artists, Southern or Southwestern art galleries, Southern or Southwestern  places to visit (not too touristy), and Southern or Southwestern restaurants. The restaurant is ideally a mom-&-pop place or a beloved local institution--no chains or tourist traps. We will also consider compelling articles about Southern or Southwestern bars or nightclubs. It is a big plus to offer professional-quality photographs with your article. (See photography submission requirements below.) Please include the photographer's name and contact information.


Fiction must be 7,000 words maximum and have some bearing on Southern or Southwestern culture or lifestyle. It doesn't necessarily have to be set in the South or Southwest as long as there is still a strong sense of Southern or Southwestern identity. The author must be from the South or Southwest, living in the South or Southwest or at least have lived there at some point. The same goes for poetry, with a 2-page maximum. Please include a brief bio of the writer, and a small headshot pic.


We accept only positive reviews of Southern or Southwestern books, e-books, anthologies, music CDs, and box sets that have been released or reissued within the past year, ideally within the last few months or are about to be released. We especially favor releases from indie record labels, small presses, university presses, and the artists or writers themselves. We also accept books and CDs for review, and prefer digital submissions whenever possible. We cannot guarantee a review or return submitted items. If you are sending physical copies, the mailing address is P.O. Box 203563, Austin, TX 78720.


We accept recipes and food-related articles for each issue's food section. Recipes must be your own original recipe or a restaurant's recipe used with permission. Please include the restaurant's contact information. We also accept short sidebar articles featuring iconic Southern or Southwestern foods or drinks, especially if accompanied by a quality photograph of the item.


All text submissions must be in a digital format such as a Word .doc, .rtf or .txt attached to an e-mail message sent to submissions@realsouthmagazine.com. Be sure to include your name and contact information in the file. Please allow at least 2-3 weeks for us to process your submission and get back to you. We will be joining a submissions service soon!


Photography and artwork must be original and submitted in a high-resolution digital format such as .psd, .pdf, .jpg, or .tif attached to an email message containing the artist or photographer's contact information. If it is a photo of a physical piece of artwork, please include the artwork's dimensions and medium. We favor subject matter that is essentially Southern or Southwestern, but it's not an absolute requirement. Some nudity is OK as long as it's reasonably tasteful and artistic. The photographer or artist must be from the South or Southwest, living in the South or Southwest or at least have lived or traveled extensively in the South or Southwest. Please include a brief bio of the artist or photographer and a small headshot pic.


We totally understand about simultaneous submissions. Just please notify us promptly if your submission is no longer available.


We pay what little we can negotiate on acceptance,  and after publication we will also provide a free download link to the issue containing your work, as well as a screen-resolution .pdf of your work. You may of course post that .pdf on your own website as long as it's credited to REAL SOUTH/WEST Magazine, and we'd really love it if you could include a link to realsouthmagazine.com.


All published material is automatically eligible for inclusion in an annual e-book featuring the best of REAL SOUTH/WEST Magazine. If your work appears in the e-book, you will receive a free copy.


If you have any further questions, please email Lisa Gouveia at lisa@realsouthmagazine.com.


Thank you!





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